Ray of Enfeeblement

From DDO Compendium

Spell Ray of Enfeeblement Icon.png

Ray of Enfeeblement
Level: Sorcerer 1Wild Mage 1Warlock 1Acolyte of the Skin 1Wizard 1
Cost (Spell Points): 4
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Metamagic: Quicken
Range: Double
Target: Foe, Directional
Duration: 24 Seconds + 6 Seconds per Caster Level
Cooldown (Seconds):  2
Save: None
School: Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes

D&D Dice: Inflicts a 1d6 Strength penalty plus 1 additional per 2 caster levels (max 1d6+5). This spell has double range.

Description: A coruscating ray springs towards the target, inflicting a 1d6 point penalty to strength plus an additional 1 for every two caster levels up to a caster level 8.


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