Globe of Invulnerability

From DDO Compendium

Spell Globe of Invulnerability Icon.png

Globe of Invulnerability
Level: Artificer 6Sorcerer 6Wild Mage 6Warlock 5Acolyte of the Skin 5Wizard 6
Cost (Spell Points): 35
Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Metamagic: Eschew Materials, Extend, Quicken
Range: Standard AOE
Target: Self
Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown (Seconds):  5
Save: None
School: Abjuration
Spell Resistance: No

Description: An immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere surrounds you and excludes all spell effect of level 4 and lower. Such spells fail to target anyone located within the globe, but any type of spell can be cast through or out of the magical globe.


Frederik Star
Spell-Like Ability Enhancements:
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