
From DDO Compendium

Spell Glitterdust Icon.png

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Bard 2Stormsinger 2Sorcerer 2Wild Mage 2Wizard 2
Cost (Spell Points): 15
Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Metamagic: Enlarge, Embolden, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Quicken
Range: Standard AOE
Target: Foe, Positional
Duration: 40 Seconds + 2 Seconds per Caster Level
Cooldown (Seconds):  5 (Bard, Stormsinger, Wizard), 3 (Sorcerer, Wild Mage)
Save: Will save negates blindness
School: Conjuration (Creation)
Spell Resistance: No

Description: A cloud of golden particles covers everything in an area, causing targets to become blinded and outlining invisible creatures. Any creature covered by the dust takes a -40 penalty on Hide checks. A successful Will save negates the blindness portion of the spell.


Morna Wyrmtouched
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